
When I was in graduate school, I took a class called Ethno-Autobiography. One of the assignments was about labels. I made a list of labels that correctly apply to me including, cis-male, son, father, husband, Caucasian, vegan, paramedic, writer, boss, speaker, motorcycle rider, liberal, Jewish, student, professor, author, Buddhist, spiritual, American, Californian, heterosexual, hippy, friend, Dead Head, lousy guitar player, martial artist, employee, member of the Green Party, frequent flyer, and more. 

Then I wrote a paragraph about what my life would be like if people interacted with me as if I were the stereotype, the common story behind each of these labels. At the end of the paper I concluded with a list of the labels that I felt comfortable declaring publicly.  

The only one on the final list is “student.” I’m curious about a lot of things.  In this blog I’ll share with you books, articles, classes, and ideas that inspire my learning. I’d love it if you’d collaborate with me by sharing books, articles, videos, and more that inspire you. That way we can travel together as lifelong students.
